Posts tagged ‘Miss Oklahoma’

America’s Choice for Miss America 2013

Be sure to vote for Miss Oklahoma 2012, Alicia Clifton, to be the next America’s choice for Miss America 2013!

Miss America 2012

Wow…What a whirlwind! I feel like I was leaving for the airport only a few days ago anxious and excited for what the week would bring. Hours of rehearsal, and 3 full cans of hairspray later the pageant is over but the memories I made will last a lifetime.

We did on site filming all over Las Vegas–the Wynn, Bellagio, Palms, Fremont Street, and the Cosmopolitan. We even got to watch Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian! It’s by far one of my favorite shows of all time, but watching it in Vegas was a whole new experience.

One thing that I really loved about our Miss America Class of 2012 was that we all got along really well. There wasn’t a division among the girls and even after preliminaries began, jealousy issues didn’t surface. I have never been in a pageant, or situation where 53 women got along so well. I became especially good friends with a few of the girls and I know we will stay close for a very long time because we all share a bond…we have experienced something so wonderful, exciting, nerve-racking, and emotionally draining together. No past or future group of Miss State’s experienced exactly what we did together and for that reason I believe we will always be close. We laughed together, cried together, boosted each others confidence, and we prayed together.

My prayer leading up to Miss America, and all through Miss America week was that God would allow me to have no regrets. I knew that I had done the preparation I needed to feel my absolute best and it was time to give it all to Him. I prayed that the words I spoke, the questions I answered, the way I carried myself, and even my dance would all be a reflection of Him and His will for my life. I prayed that whoever wore the crown of Miss America, whether it was me or not, would give Him the glory and that she would have a heart for Him. That prayer couldn’t have been answered any more clearly. I got to know Laura in Orlando during MAOT, and she truly has a heart of gold. She wouldn’t dream of speaking ill of anyone. I think it’s obvious from watching her compete in Miss America that she is a genuine, gracious, and humble woman. I am so proud to call her my MAO class sister, my friend, and our new Miss America!

I know in my heart that God’s will is definitely at work in my life. His plans for me are more magnificent that anything I could ever imagine!

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11

God has truly blessed my life! I left Miss America with the honor of being America’s Choice, a preliminary talent winner, 1st Runner Up to Miss America 2012 and $27,000 in scholarship in addition to my Miss Oklahoma scholarship! I’m so blessed to be home in Oklahoma, where the land really is grand, our “waving wheat” is ORANGE and sweet, and our THUNDER rolls!!!!!


Retreat Week!

I am so blessed to be Miss Oklahoma! This weekend was my “Miss America Retreat Weekend” with Jack, Mignon, Momma Kay, and one of my role models, Miss Oklahoma 2009, Taylor Treat Burgett! We had a great time doing interview prep, rehearsing my talent, modeling, accessorizing outfits and even going to the movies. πŸ™‚ They made sure there were plenty of “healthy snacks” for me all weekend, since m&m’s aren’t on the diet right now. πŸ™‚ I can’t imagine having a more incredible prep team to make me feel my very best for Miss America!

My sendoff is next week and I CAN’T WAIT! I’m so excited to show my friends and family how hard we’ve been working to get ready for Vegas. 16 days and counting until I board the plane for Miss America! I can’t believe Miss America 2012 will be crowned in 26 days! Don’t forget to tune in and watch it live: Saturday, January 14 on ABC!

Jingle All the Way

Clytee and I had the opportunity to attend “Jingle All the Way” a Christmas Party hosted by the Foundation for the Children’s Hospital at St. Francis here in Tulsa, OK. We met so many of the children and families that are receiving care here at the Children’s Hospital along with a few other surprise guests! The cast from Suessical came and performed as well as Tulsa Tones. And of course, it wouldn’t be a Christmas party without Santa Claus! We had such a wonderful time, and it reminded me how much I have to be truly grateful for. I’m so blessed to be spending Christmas with my family at home and not in a hospital like many of the families we met.

My first week as Miss Oklahoma

The moment I was crowned Miss Oklahoma 2011 on June 11, my life was instantly changed. After sharing the excitement with my family and close friends that evening I spoke at the Miss Oklahoma Awards Breakfast. This was the first time that I addressed a large group as Miss Oklahoma.

The very next morning I was up for my very first press conference and immediately after I moved into the new Miss Oklahoma apartment! It’s going to take quite a while for this to sink in! Bright and early (5:30am) on Monday, I was off to the local news stations for interviews. I love this job!!!

This week I found out where the tanning salon, car wash, cleaners, gym, and nail salon are! I’m so lucky that Miss Oklahoma has such amazing sponsors! πŸ™‚