Archive for the ‘Miss Oklahoma 2011’ Category

Fun to be Fit! Toning your arms at home

Now that I have started a full time job teach dance about 4 times a week, and try to juggle being a housewife, I’ve discovered it’s incredibly difficult to make time for the gym, and even when I do, it’s only 30 minutes. So I’ve resorted to home workouts and have found them to be quite effective!
Here are a few of the arm exercises I do at home.
1. Curls (I bought some resistance bands from walmart ~$10.00) 3 sets of 10 each
-alternating curls
-hammer curls
-reverse curls (palms down)
2. Push-ups 3 sets of 10 (for advanced, place your feet up on something stable and do decline push-ups)
3. Tricep push backs 3 sets of 10
-stand on the resistance band in the middle, holding one handle in each hand. One arm at a time extend your arm back and squeeze your tricep. Repeat on the other arm.
4. Arm raises 3 sets of 10
-same position as in above, raise both arms forward to shoulder height, lower to sides, raise arms out to the sides, shoulder height.

Doing just this little bit once or twice a week between household activities can make a difference!
Look for more home workout tips for legs in my next post!

Learn to love the skin you’re in

One of the things I talked about in various schools across the state was taking care of your body both inside and out. It’s not exactly like your iPhone, when it’s ruined you don’t trade it in for an upgrade. I’m amazed that some people will take better care of material things than their own body.
So let’s start with the basics.
1. A balanced healthy diet.
As I said in my previous post, what you eat plays a role in the health of your hair, skin and nails.
2. H20
Again, don’t underestimate the power of hydrating your body with such a pure substance. Little added incentive, did you know that people who drink an average of 6-8 glasses of water daily tend to have less body odor? That’s because their body is able to properly flush out the toxins.
As tempting as it is to lather you skin in oil and soak in the sun this summer, think of the long term effects. Is that summer tan really worth skin cancer in 15-20 years? Nope. So, go about tanning in a healthier way. Never expose your skin to harmful UV rays without SPF protection, minimum of 30. Yes, you can tan with this on. In fact, you can tan quite well. I’m proof. For the past 5-6 years I have put down the SPF 4 (really I think that’s just for marketing) dark tanning oil and only used SPF 30, and I still get a golden tan each year. And if that isn’t proof enough, go look at any little toddler in the pool lathered up in SPF 50, they have tan lines too. That’s because moisturized skin WILL tan, but you are protecting it with SPF. And don’t forgo putting it on your face. Which brings me to my next point.
4. Lose the foundation.
My mom wouldn’t let me wear foundation as a young girl, and I’m so glad. It clogs your pores and ruins your complexion. I understand it’s necessary sometimes, but that’s not all day every day. Not only is a natural look more attractive, but you give your pores a chance to breathe! I substitute foundation for a tinted SPF moisturizer. It keeps my makeup on throughout the day and protects my face from UV rays (aka aging!)
5. Never, never sleep in your makeup.
Jump on the fast track to a breakout. Yuck. Maybe you are blessed and you can do this occasionally without waking up with a breakout, but what about sleeping in day old, oily, dirty makeup seeping into your pores sounds good? Do you know how many times you touch your face on average throughout the day? 2,000-3,000!! Now add in everything you’ve touched and all the germs and bacteria on your hands that you are placing on your face…just don’t skip washing your face at night.
6. Moisturize
Whether you’ve just showered or just washed your face, it’s an ideal time to moisturize. I love the Simple line for face care, as well as Neutrogena. When your face or skin has been exposed to warm water it helps to open the pores, making it the best time to get maximum results from your lotion.
My favorite body lotion is called Honey House body cream. Wowza. Lucky for me, my mom now sells it.
7. The dreaded pop-up pimple.
It never fails, the night before a big event…there it is! I hear so many girls complain about these. And while many of them are linked to stress, hormones and diet, there are still ways to get rid of them quicker than just waiting it out.
This will sound crazy, but I swear by it. Try the ointment “Stye.” Obviously, it’s intended to treat a stye in your eye, which is an infected pore, hair, or gland…and if you think about it, a pimple is an infected pore. The beauty of this ointment is that it’s gentle enough to put in your eye, making it very gentle on your skin!! I use this 2 nights in a row. On the 3rd night (unless it’s still not going away, then continue stye ointment) switch to Neosporin or another topical antibiotic cream.
I can’t speak for acne breakouts, because it’s not something I have dealt with.

It’s amazing how much information you can accumulate through years of dance and pageants!


Ok ladies, this is a little different than most of my posts, but lately I have been getting a ton of questions about how I got my hair to grow so long so fast.
With summer around the corner, a lot of ladies want those long locks that can easily be styled into beach waves…so here are a few of my top tips for hair growth and health.
1. Don’t excessively wash
Yes I know, this sounds gross. I’m not saying don’t shower every day, please do. But don’t damage and dry out your hair by shampooing it every day. I strongly recommend investing in a dry shampoo for every other day. I use herbal essence and love it. Dry shampoo reduces oil at your roots and adds texture for styling and volume. If not wetting your hair in the shower bothers you, rinse it and apply a small amount of conditioner to the ends only.
2. Don’t skip hair products
I don’t mean put mousse and gel in your hair, but absolutely positively you should apply a leave in conditioner to the ends of your hair after washing. I recommend John Freida Moroccan oil. It’s simply a life changer.
3. Go natural
In case you haven’t noticed, the “I woke up looking like this” look is in. Play up your natural hair, and give it a break from the every day blow dry, straighten or curl.
4. Healthy hair starts with a healthy diet.
Nourishing your hair from the root is critical. What you eat DOES directly affect your hair, skin and nails. Ensure you get a balanced diet of protein, vegetables and dairy.
I also supplement my diet with a prenatal(multi-vitamin) and 5,000 mg of Biotin every day.
5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!
I can’t emphasize drinking enough water. Not only does it help your overall health, but it keeps your body functioning properly. Dry brittle hair is often linked to a low water intake.
6. Put down the teasing comb!!!
Honestly, do you need big hair every day? Chances are, no. And there are other ways to get volume besides ratting and breaking off your hair at the root. Trust me, coming from a pageant girl, this is one of the WORST things to do to your hair. If you want extra volume, use a root lifter, flip your head over and blow dry your hair on low heat.
7. Deep condition every now and then
If you had a big event that required using damaging heat on your hair, replenish the oils and moisturizer after! My favorite is warm olive oil from the nape of my neck to the ends, twist into a bun and cover with a shower cap for 10-15 min. Rinse out and wash as usual.

There it is…this is my hair regime for the past 2 years and I honestly cant believe how much my hair has grown
and how much healthier it is.
Hair in 2012


Hair in 2014


YouTube Channel Up!

Finally uploaded some videos to my YouTube Channel, check it out if you like!


The OSU alma mater ad is up on OstateTV!

New Beginnings

I’ve begun my final semester as an undergraduate at Oklahoma State! Woohooo! I will finish with two degrees, an agricultural communications degree and a “university studies” degree from four years of elementary education. I’m looking to complete a master’s in international agriculture within the next year.

I’m also studying for my TCRG exam this May! If you’re unfamiliar with Irish dance, there is a major difference between a certified and non-certified teacher/school. In order to be an An Coimision Le Rince Gaelecha certified Irish dance teacher, you must take a four day exam which consists of a music exam, teaching exam, dancing exam and a written test. This will allow me to open my own dance school and my students to compete nationally and internationally–however, I hope to teach under my own instructor Maureen McTeggart Hall.

I’m still speaking and continuing my platform work as much as possible. In October, I filmed a workout DVD with the Kilgore Rangerettes to promote a healthy lifestyle and of course, chocolate milk as a post recovery drink. I am incredibly blessed to have worked with Southwest Dairy Farmers on this project. The promotional DVD’s are currently out and available through Southwest Dairy Farmers!
I also recently filmed a PSA for FOX 25 News’ anti-bullying campaign “Stop the Silence, Speak Out Against Violence.” I’m thrilled to be a part of their campaign, especially since bullying was one of the key issues I addressed in schools during my year as Miss Oklahoma.

Looking forward to new chapters that have already begun here in 2014!



Welcome, and thank you for visiting! Please feel free to browse my speaking programs, videos, pictures and blogs. If you have any questions, visit the contact me page located at the top of the page.

America’s Choice for Miss America 2013

Be sure to vote for Miss Oklahoma 2012, Alicia Clifton, to be the next America’s choice for Miss America 2013!

Shipping off to Boston!!

I am So excited and blessed to be going on to the World Iris Dance Championships! I guess it isn’t time to hang up my dancing shoes just yet. The competition will be held in Boston, MA! I’ve only ever competed at the worlds when it was held in the UK, so it’s very exciting to have the worlds in the US!

Being back on stage competitively with my dancing is a thrill and a feeling I can’t put into words. I loved every second of dancing at the Oireachtas, even though I had to dance my jig twice through with no rotation break between! 🙂 I guess they wanted me to start building my stamina up for the Worlds!

So many days I wonder why God has chosen to bless me so much…but I am forever grateful! I know I wouldn’t have accomplished anything without Him guiding me and providing me with an amazing and supportive family and group of friends! Im so thankful for all the practices my parents and teachers helped me prepare and pushed me to be better. A huge thank you to my amazing teachers Maureen McTeggart Hall and Rebekah Roberts.






Dance Dance wherever you may be…

Well I said goodbye to my beautiful dance studio today that my dad built for me 12 years ago. I have done my final practice ever for the Southern Region Oireachtas. I can’t believe this is my 10th time to compete at SRO, each time prior having the honor of recalling and 6 times being called as a World Championship Qualifier.
I have a lot of different emotions right now…some nerves, a lot of excitement, and some sad to think that this is my last time to compete here. No matter the outcome on Saturday night I am going to remind myself that first and foremost the only reason I have this ability is because God so graciously blessed me with the gift of dance, and second that over the past 2 years of not competing in Irish dance and missed it so much! This is my passion and what I love to do, so I am grateful that I have one more opportunity to compete in the sport I have loved so much for 12 years.
New Orleans, Oireachtas 2012….here I come!
