Now that I have started a full time job teach dance about 4 times a week, and try to juggle being a housewife, I’ve discovered it’s incredibly difficult to make time for the gym, and even when I do, it’s only 30 minutes. So I’ve resorted to home workouts and have found them to be quite effective!
Here are a few of the arm exercises I do at home.
1. Curls (I bought some resistance bands from walmart ~$10.00) 3 sets of 10 each
-alternating curls
-hammer curls
-reverse curls (palms down)
2. Push-ups 3 sets of 10 (for advanced, place your feet up on something stable and do decline push-ups)
3. Tricep push backs 3 sets of 10
-stand on the resistance band in the middle, holding one handle in each hand. One arm at a time extend your arm back and squeeze your tricep. Repeat on the other arm.
4. Arm raises 3 sets of 10
-same position as in above, raise both arms forward to shoulder height, lower to sides, raise arms out to the sides, shoulder height.

Doing just this little bit once or twice a week between household activities can make a difference!
Look for more home workout tips for legs in my next post!

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