Ok ladies, this is a little different than most of my posts, but lately I have been getting a ton of questions about how I got my hair to grow so long so fast.
With summer around the corner, a lot of ladies want those long locks that can easily be styled into beach waves…so here are a few of my top tips for hair growth and health.
1. Don’t excessively wash
Yes I know, this sounds gross. I’m not saying don’t shower every day, please do. But don’t damage and dry out your hair by shampooing it every day. I strongly recommend investing in a dry shampoo for every other day. I use herbal essence and love it. Dry shampoo reduces oil at your roots and adds texture for styling and volume. If not wetting your hair in the shower bothers you, rinse it and apply a small amount of conditioner to the ends only.
2. Don’t skip hair products
I don’t mean put mousse and gel in your hair, but absolutely positively you should apply a leave in conditioner to the ends of your hair after washing. I recommend John Freida Moroccan oil. It’s simply a life changer.
3. Go natural
In case you haven’t noticed, the “I woke up looking like this” look is in. Play up your natural hair, and give it a break from the every day blow dry, straighten or curl.
4. Healthy hair starts with a healthy diet.
Nourishing your hair from the root is critical. What you eat DOES directly affect your hair, skin and nails. Ensure you get a balanced diet of protein, vegetables and dairy.
I also supplement my diet with a prenatal(multi-vitamin) and 5,000 mg of Biotin every day.
5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!
I can’t emphasize drinking enough water. Not only does it help your overall health, but it keeps your body functioning properly. Dry brittle hair is often linked to a low water intake.
6. Put down the teasing comb!!!
Honestly, do you need big hair every day? Chances are, no. And there are other ways to get volume besides ratting and breaking off your hair at the root. Trust me, coming from a pageant girl, this is one of the WORST things to do to your hair. If you want extra volume, use a root lifter, flip your head over and blow dry your hair on low heat.
7. Deep condition every now and then
If you had a big event that required using damaging heat on your hair, replenish the oils and moisturizer after! My favorite is warm olive oil from the nape of my neck to the ends, twist into a bun and cover with a shower cap for 10-15 min. Rinse out and wash as usual.

There it is…this is my hair regime for the past 2 years and I honestly cant believe how much my hair has grown
and how much healthier it is.
Hair in 2012


Hair in 2014


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