Well I said goodbye to my beautiful dance studio today that my dad built for me 12 years ago. I have done my final practice ever for the Southern Region Oireachtas. I can’t believe this is my 10th time to compete at SRO, each time prior having the honor of recalling and 6 times being called as a World Championship Qualifier.
I have a lot of different emotions right now…some nerves, a lot of excitement, and some sad to think that this is my last time to compete here. No matter the outcome on Saturday night I am going to remind myself that first and foremost the only reason I have this ability is because God so graciously blessed me with the gift of dance, and second that over the past 2 years of not competing in Irish dance and missed it so much! This is my passion and what I love to do, so I am grateful that I have one more opportunity to compete in the sport I have loved so much for 12 years.
New Orleans, Oireachtas 2012….here I come!


Comments on: "Dance Dance wherever you may be…" (2)

  1. Great post! Always follow those passions God has put in your heart, that is where you will find true fulfillment in life!

  2. Jeretta Horn Nord said:

    Betty: Congratulations on qualifying for world! You are truly a blessing to all who know you.

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